All HPI Publications
Dental industry predictions for 2025 Podcast recording
Economic Outlook and Emerging Issues in Dentistry Q4 2024 Dentist panel results
Benefit design and access to dental care among seniors with Medicare Advantage dental benefits Journal article
Workplace factors associated with job satisfaction among dental hygienists and assistants in the United States Journal article
Availability of dental benefits within Medicare Advantage plans by enrollment and county Journal article
National dental expenditures, 2023
Trends in U.S. dental schools (PDF) Infographic
International students in U.S. dental schools (PDF) Infographic
Predoctoral dental education programs: curriculum format, content and experiences (PDF) Infographic
Methods used by dental schools to assess competencies for CODA standards (PDF) Infographic
Distribution of clock hours of instruction in dental schools by class year (PDF) Infographic
Medicaid reimbursement for child and adult dental services
Dental school grads and advanced program enrollment by gender (PDF) Infographic
Understanding the gaps between adult Medicaid beneficiaries and dentists Webinar
Barriers to dental care among adult Medicaid beneficiaries: a comprehensive analysis in eight states (PDF) Research brief
Dentist perceptions of adult Medicaid beneficiaries’ attitudes toward oral health (PDF) Research brief
How do dental practices respond to changes in scope of practice regulations? Journal article
Practice modalities among U.S. dentists
The evolving dental practice model: data update for 2023 (PDF) – summary of data findings
2023 distribution of dentists according to size of dental practice and affiliation with a dental support organization (DSO) (XLSX) – Data report
2023 Income, gross billings, expenses, and characteristics (XLSX) Data report
Update on net income of general practitioner dentists: 2023 data (PDF) Key messages report
Dentist retirement and career span trends
The economic rationale for a global commitment to invest in oral health White paper
Practice ownership among dentists continues to decline (PDF)
Dental workforce wages and job counts Tableau dashboard
Medicaid fee-for-service reimbursement as a percentage of dentist charges for child and adult dental services, 2022 (XLSX) Data report
Medicaid reimbursement for dental care services - 2022 update (PDF) Key messages report and recording on demand
Child and adult dental care utilization Tableau dashboard
An oral health crisis: identifying and addressing oral health disparities (PDF) Senate testimony
Dental hygiene education program characteristics (PDF) Infographic
Dental assisting education program characteristics (PDF) Infographic
Dental hygiene student characteristics by type of sponsoring institution (PDF) Infographic
Dental assisting student characteristics by type of sponsoring institution (PDF) Infographic
Who goes into postgraduate dental training and what do they do after? Webinar
Practice patterns of postgraduate trained dentists in the United States Journal article
Trends in postgraduate dental training in the United States Journal article
Dentists who participate in Medicaid: Who they are, where they locate, how they practice Webinar
Demand for restorative dental care varies by patient age Research brief (PDF)
COVID-19 vaccine intention and hesitancy of dental hygienists in the United States Journal article (PDF)
Infection prevention and control practices of dental hygienists in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal study Journal article (PDF)
Employment patterns of dental hygienists in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: an update Journal article (PDF)
The staffing shortage is limiting dentistry's recovery. Now what? Journal article
Time for dental care to be considered essential in US health care policy Journal article
Trends in advanced dental education programs in the U.S.:
General practice residency (PDF)
Advanced education in general dentistry(PDF)
Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics(PDF)
Pediatric dentistry(PDF)
Dental public health(PDF)
Oral and maxillofacial surgery(PDF)
Oral and maxillofacial radiology(PDF)
Oral and maxillofacial pathology(PDF)
Elevating dentistry through diversity Journal article
Racial and ethnic mix of the dentist workforce in the U.S. Infographic (PDF)
Racial and ethnic mix of dental students in the U.S. Infographic (PDF)
Dental care utilization among the U.S. population, by race and ethnicity Infographic (PDF)
Cost barriers to dental care among the U.S. population, by race and ethnicity Infographic (PDF)
The dentist workforce - key facts Infographic (PDF)
Employment patterns of dental hygienists in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal article (PDF)
COVID-19 prevalence and related practices among dental hygienists in the United States Journal article (PDF)
Could dentists relieve physician shortages, manage chronic disease? Research brief (PDF)
Medicare expansion and dental benefits coverage Infographic (PDF)
Why we need more data on the dental insurance market Journal article
Opioid prescribing by dentists Infographic (PDF)
Geographic access to dentistry State fact sheets
Measuring what matters - a new tool to help assess geographic access to Medicaid dentists in every state Journal article
Recent trends in the market for oral surgeons, endodontists, orthodontists, periodontists, and pediatric dentists Research brief (PDF)
Trends in fees and reimbursement rates for the most common procedures in endodontics, periodontics, prosthodontics, and oral surgery Research brief (PDF)
Dental care presents the highest level of financial barriers Journal article
Do dentists from rural areas practice in rural areas? Journal article
Dentist earnings were stable in 2015 Research brief (PDF)
U.S. dental spending up in 2015 Research brief (PDF)
Time to rethink dental “insurance” Journal article
Where is dentistry going? Journal article
Dental benefits coverage increased for working-age adults in 2014 Research brief (PDF)
Dental care utilization steady among working-age adults and children, up slightly among the elderly Research brief (PDF)
The “de-aging” of the dentist workforce Journal article
Oral health and well-being among seniors in the United States Infographic (PDF)
Recent trends in the market for endodontics Research brief (PDF)
Why are payment rates to dentists declining in most states? Journal article
An analysis of dental spending among adults with private dental benefits Research brief (PDF)
Oral health and well-being in the United States State fact sheets
Considering large group practices as a vehicle for consolidation in dentistry Research brief (PDF)
Physicians dissatisfied with current referral process to dentists Research brief (PDF)
Is the number of Medicaid providers really that important? Journal article
The per-patient cost of dental care, 2013: a look under the hood Research brief (PDF)
Dental care within accountable care organizations: challenges and opportunities Research brief (PDF)
Solving dentistry’s ‘busyness’ problem Journal article
Practice settings and dentists' job satisfaction Journal article
Dental care in accountable care organizations: insights from 5 case studies Research brief (PDF)
Publications prior to 2015 are available upon request. For all past HPI webinar recordings, visit our YouTube channel.