Health Policy Institute Consulting

Discover how HPI Consulting can empower your business with custom research showing where the dental industry is headed.

HPI Consulting offers a number of customizable solutions to help guide your business.

Find clear answers with data and geo-analytics tailored to your state, county or ZIP code.
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Engage live or virtual audiences with custom presentations by HPI researchers.
Explore easy-to-read reports that deliver the insights you need to make sound decisions.

Why HPI Consulting?

With a robust database of all U.S. dentists and exclusive access to industry data, we are a resource for your success.

Leading the national conversation

HPI experts publish in leading academic journals and provide insights for national print and broadcast media. Here is some of our recent coverage.

The economic rationale for a global commitment to invest in oral health (World Economic Forum, May 2024)

US dental health care workers’ mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic (JADA, August 2022)

Dentists who participate in Medicaid: Who they are, where they locate, how they practice (Medical Care Research and Review, July 2022)

Send us your questions

HPI’s health economists, statisticians and policy researchers are ready to work with your organization.

ADA Health Policy Institute Consulting Marko Vujicic Andrew Blatz meeting
Collage of products within the ADA Business Product Portfolio
More ADA resources for business

In addition to HPI Consulting, the ADA offers even more products to help you achieve your goals.