State-Level Dental Industry Data and Resources
Understand your state's dental economy inside and out
The ADA Health Policy Institute has developed a rich foundation of state-level data to guide health organizations, state legislators, and other health researchers in policy reform. Use the sources below, which include reports, interactive dashboards, and journal articles, to understand the dental care landscape of your state.
Discover HPI's state-level data
HPI's interactive dentist demographics dashboard allows you to view current and historic demographics data for the dentist workforce in your state. See how the supply per capita and age, gender, and race/ethnicity balance has trended in your state since 2001.
See also HPI's annually updated Supply of Dentists in the U.S. report (XLSX) to see additional national data, including the number of dentists by specialty and dentist age distribution by gender.
Also available: HPI's workforce projection model (PDF) estimates the future supply of dentists in the United States and is available for specific states. Contact HPI to inquire about customizing this analysis for your state.
Curious where dentists are coming from when they settle to practice your state? Or where they go when the leave for another state? HPi's Dentist Migration dashboard in Tableau shows you the top five states new dentists (those less than 10 years out of dental school) move to or come from in relation to your state. See if your dentists gained or lost dentists between 2019-2022.
To see this same data as well as that for dentists of all experience levels, view the Dentist Migration data tables (XLSX).