The dentist workforce

Insights from the ADA Health Policy Institute on the current and future supply of dentists and shifting demographics within the workforce.
U.S. Dentist Demographics

View state-level data on dentist age, gender, race/ethnicity, and supply per capita.

ADA health policy institute dentist demographics dashboard

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Explore how the average age of dentist retirement and career spans have changed over time.
Explore how the average age of dentist retirement and career spans have changed over time.
See how many dentists left, entered, and remained in your state from 2019 to 2022. 

Dentist workforce FAQs

How many dentists are currently working in the U.S.?

As of 2023, there are 202,304 professionally active dentists in the U.S. There are 60.4 dentists per 100,000 U.S. population. Ratios vary by state.

SourcesSupply of Dentists in the U.S.: 2001-2023 (XLSX) and dental workforce wages and job counts dashboard in Tableau.

Does the ADA have a recommended dentist-to-patient ratio?

No. It is the ADA’s view that a simple dentist-to-patient ratio cannot take into account the differing economic environments from region to region, state to state, or urban to rural.

For further explanation, see: Is the Number of Medicaid Providers Really that Important? (JADA).

How many dentists are female?

Among the 202,304 dentists working in dentistry as of 2023, 37.7% are female.

Source: Supply of Dentists in the U.S.: 2001-2023 (XLSX).

What percentage of dentists are specialists?

As of 2023, about one in five professionally active dentists (21.3%) reported that their practice, research, or administration area is an ADA-recognized specialty.

SourceSupply of Dentists in the U.S.: 2001-2023 (XLSX).

What is the age breakdown of dentists in the U.S.?

Among the 202,304 dentists working in dentistry as of 2023, 17.4% are under age 35, 25.5% are ages 35-44, 22.4% are ages 45-54, 18.9% are ages 55-64, and 15.8% are age 65 and older.

SourceSupply of Dentists in the U.S.: 2001-2023 (XLSX).

What is the racial/ethnic breakdown of dentists in the U.S.?

As of 2022, 68.4% of U.S. dentists are White, 19.4% are Asian, 5.9% are Hispanic, 3.8% are Black, and 2.0% are other race/unknown.

Source: U.S. Dentist Demographics Dashboard in Tableau

What is the average age of retirement among dentists?

In 2023, the average age of retirement among U.S. dentists was 68.9, up from 68.1 in 2022.

Source: Dentist retirement and career span trends

How many dental hygienists and dental assistants are currently working in the U.S.?

As of 2022, there are 214,700 dental hygienists and 363,880 dental assistants working in the U.S. Supply of hygienists and assistants is available at the state-level.

SourceDental workforce wages and job counts dashboard in Tableau.

Does the ADA have future projections for the number of dentists in the U.S.?
The research brief Projected Supply of Dentists in the United States, 2020-2040 projects the future supply of dentists in the U.S. based on various sources of outflows from and inflows to the dental profession. Find full details in the brief.

Source: Projected Supply of Dentists in the United States, 2020-2040 (PDF) (HPI Research Brief).