Dental care spending from government programs has been increasing steadily in recent years while spending from private sources – private dental insurance and out-of-pocket spending – has been declining slightly. From 2022 to 2023, private health insurance spending decreased by 0.4% while out-of-pocket spending decreased by 0.7%.
Government program spending increased by 18% from 2022 to 2023, largely due to Medicare. In fact, of the $4 billion increase in U.S. dental spending, more than $3 billion was accounted for by Medicare. Medicaid accounted for the other $1 billion increase. The sharp rise in Medicare dental spending can be explained by two factors. The share of seniors covered by Medicare Advantage plans has grown steadily, and the vast majority of these plans have some type of dental coverage. Further, in 2023, Medicare expanded dental benefits by covering comprehensive dental care for beneficiaries who were undergoing certain medical procedures.
The latest health expenditure data show a continuing shift in how dental care is paid for in the United States. For more information, visit HPI's Dental Care Market page.