Parroquia Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

Misitilde Guadalupe
Vicariato Apostilde; lico de Zamora, Ecuador
Guadalupe, Provincia Zamora-Chinchipe, Religious Affiliation: Christianity
Contact: P. Jorge Nigsch
Phone: ++593 7 219 6106
Mission: The Clinica Misional Nuestra Mission de Guadalupe is a rural health care center in southeastern Ecuador. It is located on the grounds of a Catholic Mission in the tropical cloud forest of the Oriente. It serves an impoverished indigenous population. The facility has examining rooms, dental suites with x-ray, an operating theater, pharmacy and basic laboratory. There is a hospital about one hour away. The clinic is staffed full time by an international multi faith group of medical volunteers. Dentists visit for at least three weeks, and are welcome to stay longer. We also are in need of dental technicians. Primary care physicians are asked to serve at least one month and have remained for up to one year. Surgeons and other specialists come for two to six weeks as necessary, and are expected to be accompanied by whatever support personnel that they deem appropriate. Travel is not reimbursed but room and board are covered once at the venue, with volunteer residences overlooking the Andes. There is also an apartment for a family. A working knowledge of Spanish is essential. Please explore the web site including postings by various volunteer professionals, photographs of the region, and descriptions of the community. If you are interested in serving at this remarkable facility contact Padre Jorge Nigsch at . Sincerely, Serle M. Epstein, M.D., F.A.C.P. Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Yale School of Medicine


Program Type: Delivery of Care
Countries/Regions Served: Ecuador
Duration: 3 weeks minimum
Recruited Personnel: Dentists, oral surgeons, and dental technicians
Language Requirements: Spanish
Accommodations: Single or double occupancy with private bathroom in a comfortable US-standard accommodations; meals are provided
Materials Needed: Masks, gloves and other dental supplies; donations are welcomed but not required.
Dates and Locations: