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Current issue

June 03, 2024


Autotransplantation trends

The authors provide a review of the state of knowledge and research on tooth autotransplantation.

JADA Cover June 2024

June 03, 2024

Effect of green-colored lenses on dental surgery anxiety

The authors study the effect of wearing glasses with green lenses in reducing dental anxiety, blood pressure, heart rate, and pain during third-molar surgery.

June 03, 2024

Dental unit waterline infection control practice and knowledge gaps

The authors identify knowledge gaps in and challenges and barriers to compliance with dental unit waterline infection control practices.

June 03, 2024

Arrest of severe early childhood caries lesions

The authors study the caries lesion arrest rate in primary teeth after sequential silver diamine fluoride gel and sodium fluoride varnish application.

JADA publiciation story, the use of craniofacial stem cells image
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