Your DENTPIN login is the key to your dental education, from testing onward.

Your DENTPIN login is the key to your dental education, from testing onward.

What is DENTPIN?

DENTPIN (DENTal Personal Identification Number) is a unique, eight-digit number that helps protect your personal identifying information. It replaces the use of Social Security Numbers, Canadian Social Insurance Numbers or Reference Numbers for the dental testing, application and education systems.

If you have previously taken or applied to take any dental exam, or if you are a licensed dentist or dental hygienist in the U.S., you already have a DENTPIN; please do not register for another.

To change or correct your name or other information, do not register for a new DENTPIN. Instead, log in and use the self-service feature to:

  • Update your personal details
  • Retrieve a forgotten DENTPIN 
  • Reset your password


Register for a DENTPIN

If you are testing for the first time, you must register for a DENTPIN before you apply to test.

DENTPIN programs

The following admission tests, examinations and applications use DENTPIN login to access. Select one below to learn more about relevant prerequisites, requirements, scores and more.

The following exams and applications use DENTPIN login to access. Select one below to learn more about relevant prerequisites, requirements, scores and more.

Admission tests and licensure examinations that require DENTPIN

The Dental Admission Test is required before attending dental school.
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The Advanced Dental Admission Test is for those interested in post-graduate programs. 
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The Admission Test for Dental Hygiene should be taken before dental hygiene school.
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The NBDHE is part of the licensure process for dental hygienists. 
The Integrated National Board Dental Examination replaced the NBDE Parts I and II.
The DLOSCE is a high stakes licensure examination which began administration in 2020.

Applications that require DENTPIN

The Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS) is for advanced dental education. programs. 
CAAPID is for international dental graduates who want to practice in the U.S. or Canada. 
If you are a Texas resident applying to a Texas dental school, you must complete the TMDSAS. 
The Dental Match program matches applicants to postdoctoral education programs. with applicants.