ADAT program use of personal information & privacy policy

Learn how your personal information is collected and used.
Biometric Data Privacy Policy

The American Dental Association Department of Testing Services (ADA DTS) has instituted the following biometric data privacy policy: 

Biometric Data Defined 
As used in this policy, “biometric data” includes fingerprints or palm vein scans. 

Purpose for Collection of Biometric Data 
ADA DTS service providers collect, store, and use biometric data solely for identification of test candidates and other individuals participating in ADA-DTS projects and for test-taking fraud prevention.

Disclosure and Authorization 
To the extent that ADA DTS service providers collect, capture, or otherwise obtain biometric data relating to an individual, the ADA DTS must first:

  1. Inform the individual in writing that an ADA DTS service provider will collect the individual’s biometric data, and that ADA DTS authorizes its service provider to collect, process and maintain such biometric data; 
  2. Inform the individual in writing of the specific purpose and length of time for which the individual’s biometric data is being collected, stored, and used; and 
  3. Receive a written release signed by the individual (or his or her legally authorized representative) authorizing the ADA DTS service provider to collect, store, and use the individual’s biometric data for the specific purposes disclosed by the ADA, and for ADA DTS to so authorize its service provider.

ADA DTS shall not, nor shall it authorize its service providers, to sell, lease, trade, or otherwise profit from individuals’ biometric data; provided, however, that ADA DTS’s service providers may be paid for products or services used by ADA DTS that utilize such biometric data.
ADA DTS will not disclose or disseminate any biometric data, and will not authorize its service providers to disclose or disseminate any biometric data, to anyone without/unless:

  1. First obtaining written consent to such disclosure or dissemination; 
  2. The disclosed data completes a financial transaction requested or authorized by the individual; 
  3. Disclosure is required by state or federal law or municipal ordinance; or 
  4. Disclosure is required pursuant to a valid warrant or subpoena issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. 

Retention Schedule 
ADA DTS shall retain biometric data only until the first of the following occurs, and shall require that its service providers permanently destroy such data at that time: 

  1. The initial purpose for collecting or obtaining such biometric data has been satisfied; or 
  2. Within 3 years of the individual’s last interaction with the ADA.

Data Storage 
ADA DTS shall use, and shall require its service providers to use, a reasonable standard of care to store, transmit and protect from disclosure any paper or electronic biometric data collected. Such storage, transmission, and protection from disclosure shall be performed in a manner that is the same as or more protective than the manner in which ADA DTS or the service provider stores, respectively, transmits and protects from disclosure other confidential and sensitive information, such as personal information that can be used to uniquely identify an individual or an individual’s account or property, such as genetic markers, genetic testing information, account numbers, PINs, driver’s license numbers and social security numbers. 

How your personal information is used
Personal information used and disclosed by the ADA Department of Testing Services in connection with the ADAT may include names, identification numbers such as DENTPIN, contact information, academic and biographical information, test scores, and the names of the advanced dental education programs that you select to receive your scores.

The DTS may use and disclose personal  information for purposes such as processing test applications, reporting test scores, confirming identity for test administration purposes, for research, and in connection with unauthorized use of ADA services, networks, or intellectual property. We may also use and disclose such information for communications, such as contacting you about these topics. We use demographic information to update ADA’s database records; use and disclosure of such demographic information is discussed in the ADA Privacy Notice.
The DTS provides personal information to the ADAT test administrator, Pearson VUE, for purposes such as identification and admission to the ADAT, and to the American Dental Education Association (ADEA), which uses its Postdoctoral Application Support Service (ADEA PASS) to provide test scores to programs you select. For information about the privacy policies of these organizations, please visit their websites.
How your information is secured and used
The ADA Department of Testing Services uses commercially reasonable methods to secure and protect confidential information.

The ADAT Program collects and retains personal information for activities such as administering the ADAT, fulfilling departmental responsibilities, maintaining the integrity of the test, detecting and preventing unlawful activity, and fulfilling legal requirements. The ADAT Program may retain ADAT results indefinitely, along with testing records and corresponding personal data.

When applying to take the test, you will be required to execute a written release and consent to the collection of your fingerprints. Palm vein scans are collected for purposes of verifying identity and detecting and preventing unlawful activity; this data is securely stored.

Records of your individual scores are released to education programs or other entities with your written authorization or designation by electronic means, through the examination application or through score report requests. Scores will not be reported to you by telephone, fax, email, or in person.

The ADAT Program uses test data for research purposes and to enhance the testing program. In such instances, the data are confidential and individual candidates are not identified in published results.

The ADAT Program uses data security procedures to protect the integrity of personal and test information.

Security safeguards include administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for data and data processing systems. For additional information, please refer to the Privacy Notice and the Terms of Use.

By registering for the test, you consent to the collection, processing, use, and transmission of your personal information, including fingerprints, in accordance with the statements outlined in this Guide. If you enroll in an advanced dental education program, by taking this examination you agree to permit information about your program performance (e.g., grades) to be provided by your program to the ADA Department of Testing Services.

This information may be used in conjunction with your test scores in research studies assessing the performance of this examination.



Contact the ADA about your privacy

Have questions about how your information is used or protected? Contact the ADA Department of Testing Services at:

American Dental Association
Department of Testing Services
401 North Michigan Ave. Suite 3300
Chicago, IL 60611-4250

or by email: