ADA Medicaid priorities

Our efforts focus on enhancing reimbursement rates and accessibility and coverage of dental services for Medicaid beneficiaries.

Dentist with patient

The ADA advocates for adequate financing and sensible program designs to help states address the needs of thousands of patients who rely on the Medicaid program to obtain dental care. The ADA will continue to fight for a federal requirement for states to cover dental services in their state for low income families.

  • Maintain the federal requirement for states to cover dental services under the Medicaid Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) program.
  • Require states to cover dental services for Medicaid-eligible adults, and exempt all preventive dental services from cost-sharing requirements.
  • Preserve the federal financing role in the Medicaid program and update the federal matching formula to address economic changes.
  • Enhance the federal Medicaid matching rate to 90/10 for dental care.
  • Maintain the federal requirement for states to cover dental services in their respective CHIP programs.

The Association's priorities are based on the major policies and positions (PDF) adopted by the ADA House of Delegates (ADA member login required.)