More than 900 dentists and dental students will come together from March 30 to April 1, 2025, for our 8th annual ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day, at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C. to explore the issues and take action. Register and secure your room today!
ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day
Join thousands of dentists and dental students to advocate for your patients, profession and practice.
Are you ready to be our next advocate?
Registration open for Lobby Day 2025
Make your voice heard
Every year, Lobby Day gives you the chance to learn more about issues and policies that affect the nation’s oral health. Hear from political analysts, subject matter experts and dentists who are working with Congress and other federal officials to represent our industry — and find out how you can get involved. Questions? Contact the ADA's Grassroots Advocacy Manager or call 202.789.5168.
Explore the 2025 Lobby Day Issues
Introducing the American Dental Association, dentistry and our policy priorities to your Member of Congress.
ADA 101 Issue Sheet (PDF)
The bipartisan Dental and Optometric Care (DOC) Access Act would limit dental and vision plans from requiring providers to accept set fees for non-covered services, ensuring fairness in provider contracts and protecting all patients, regardless of how their dental benefits are regulated.
The bipartisan Resident Education Deferred Interest (REDI) Act ensures that dental residents qualify for an interest-free deferment on their federal student loans until after their residency is completed to help alleviate the unprecedented student loan debt burden they face.
REDI Act Issue Sheet (PDF)
The ADA is urging the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct a rigorous study on claims regarding low-level fluoride exposure and IQ, which will provide scientifically valid data to guide local policy decisions on community water fluoridation.
2025 Lobby Day Issue Review
The ADA staff goes over the issues you will be lobbying on Capitol Hill at the 2025 ADA Dentist and Student Lobby Day.
Interested in learning more about Washington, DC? Destination DC can show you all the monuments, attractions, and dining the nation’s capital has to offer. Learn more about the city by visiting the tourism site.
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