ADA Elections 2024

President-elect candidate

Richard J. Rosato, D.M.D.

Richard J. Rosato, D.M.D.
Richard J. Rosato, D.M.D.

Campaign statement

Dentistry is precious to those of us privileged to practice this profession. At its best, the ADA represents the art and science of dentistry rewarding each of us with the ability to achieve the American dream for ourselves, our families and the communities we serve.

I am running to be your president-elect because the world will belong to the proactive collaborators who create the future we envision reflecting our shared values. Members rightfully expect more from the ADA, and we must strive to exceed expectations with mission-driven leadership and knowledge sharing. My years of experience are deeply rooted in encouraging difficult conversations, listening to all stakeholders and bringing bold ideas to fruition.

By approaching every challenge as an opportunity, the ADA can both ensure quality care for our patients and secure the practice of dentistry. Let us continue the momentum we built with our successful response to a global pandemic and our single-state ballot initiative that spread into national insurance reform.

Together we can move forward with confidence and purpose. Please join me in building a stage every member is warmly welcomed to stand on. I humbly ask for your vote and partnership.


Current residence: Concord, New Hampshire

Dental school attended: Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Year received dental degree: 1994

Postgraduate education/specialty: Oral and maxillofacial surgery

Years of ADA membership: 34

Other professional memberships:

  • Academy of General Dentistry.
  • American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • American College of Dentists.
  • International College of Dentists.
  • Pierre Fauchard Academy.

Volunteer posts/elective offices held in organized dentistry:

  • ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs chair.
  • ADA Election Commission chair.
  • ADA 1st District trustee.
  • ADA Headquarters Sale Task Force chair.
  • New Hampshire Dental Society president.

What are your main qualifications for the office you seek?

  1. Visionary: Relentless in preparing us for the future. An early advocate for insurance reform and instrumental in the national movement to address it. Brought the ballot initiative to ADA and secured $5 million in funding from the Board of Trustees to ensure the successful electoral effort.
  2. Mission-driven leadership: During the start of the pandemic, remained calm and focused on securing government declaration of dentistry as an essential service, assuring members that our patients and profession would be protected.
  3. Fiscal focus: Successfully lead multimillion dollar transaction of ADA headquarters, investing the returns and securing our financial future.
  4. Shared values: As a board member for ADA’s two for-profit entities, ADA Business Enterprises Inc. and the Innovation Advisory Committee, gained insight into non-dues revenue and dues stabilization opportunities to facilitate saving members money.
  5. Knowledge sharing: Leadership positions such as compensation chair allowed me to create a culture that fostered learning, communication of ideas, and working collaboratively to promote a sense of unity amongst our leaders that will extend to our members.

Why do you want to be an ADA officer?

The opportunity exists to create a culture of belonging at the ADA, where all voices are heard. As practitioners, we make a difference in the daily lives of millions of patients. As president-elect, I will work to ensure we continue to move in the direction we choose for ourselves. Just as we are in our individual practices, our ADA must be fiscally responsible and the model of an ethical profession that brings us pride and respect. I have seen the power of unity and will continue to work alongside our dedicated leaders.