ADA Elections 2024

President-elect candidate

Michael D. Medovic, D.D.S.

Michael D. Medovic, D.D.S.
Michael D. Medovic, D.D.S.

Campaign statement

My dream and vision is to unite all dentists under the banner of the ADA so we can guard and defend our profession against outside entities seeking to interfere with the doctor-patient relationship our profession holds sacred. We then can serve as the voice and advocate for our members, so they can chart the course for the future of our profession. I want the ADA to be a “port in the storm” for all dentists and their teams and a “bridge to the future” for dentists at every stage of their careers.

United together we can speak with one powerful voice to address the many issues that lay before us such as third-party payers, workforce shortages, student debt and faculty recruitment. We must also incentivize new graduates to consider replacing retiring dentists in rural areas where the quality of life is very good, there is less competition, the cost of living is much lower and the patients need care.

My platform includes a leadership summit at the ADA’s expense for all allied and specialty groups to work on unifying our profession, a mentorship program for all dental students and a free financial literacy program available only to ASDA / ADA members.


Current residence: Wheeling, West Virginia

Dental school attended: West Virginia University School of Dentistry

Year received dental degree: 1984

Postgraduate education/specialty: None

Years of ADA membership: 44

Other professional memberships:

  • Fellow, International College of Dentists.
  • Fellow, American College of Dentists.
  • Fellow, Pierre Fauchard Academy.
  • Member, Academy of General Dentistry.

Volunteer posts/elective offices held in organized dentistry:

  • President, West Virginia Dental Association, 2001.
  • Member, ADA Council on Annual Sessions, 2006-09.
  • Member, ADA Council on Dental Practice, 2016-20.
  • Chair, ADA Committee on Annual Meetings, 2023.
  • Chair, National Elder Care Advisory Committee, 2017-20.

What are your main qualifications for the office you seek?

  • Servant leadership style.
  • Good listener and respectful of all viewpoints.
  • Compassionate and caring for others.
  • Passionate fighter for what is right and just.
  • Good at coalescing people around a shared dream and vision.

Why do you want to be an ADA officer?

My dream is to bring all dentists together under the banner of the ADA so we speak with one voice and are able to unite, guard, defend and serve the profession we have been privileged to inherit. Unless we unite together and become the guardians of the profession, we will be unable to defend it against those outside entities which seek to interfere with the doctor-patient relationship we hold sacred, and we will be unable to truly serve our members. Being an ADA officer should ideally be all about leaving your ego at the door and leading without a title so as to be the voice and the advocate for our members. I want to empower our members to chart the course for the future of the ADA and the future of our profession. A profession is much more than a job, it is a calling, a vocation. We are charged as professionals to leave a better profession to inherit for all those who will follow in our footsteps. Being a professional is all about giving back, and in this giving of self to this profession that has given us all so much, you actually receive back more than you’ve ever given.