ADA Elections 2023

President-elect candidate

Susan Becker Doroshow, D.D.S.

A photograph of Susan Becker Doroshow, D.D.S.
Susan Becker Doroshow, D.D.S.

Campaign statement

Eroding membership market share is merely a symptom of the ADA’s two most urgent problems: An archaic dues-based business model and the lack of significant new dentist engagement at the highest levels of leadership.

Every critical issue ahead — from how we engage with large group practices, whether or not we support even limited dental benefits under Medicare, what technology and AI will bring to the practice of dentistry — will polarize the profession and put the ADA at risk for steeper membership and revenue declines. We must pivot away from dues dependency.

Only the ADA has the resources and commitment to deliver advocacy, accreditation, testing, science and standards. Our new business model must generate enough revenue to sustain these critical activities. Our No. 1 priority must be the ADA’s survival — without the ADA, dentistry ceases to be a profession.

We must amplify the voices of our newest professionals to elevate the ADA for the future. I dream of an ADA Board with three new dentists at the table within the next five years, without carve-outs or bylaws changes. Former New Dentist Committee chairs are well-qualified to serve as vice presidents; let’s inspire them to pursue the position — and elect them.




Current residence: Skokie, Illinois

Dental school attended: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry

Year received dental degree: 1983

Years of ADA membership: 43

Other professional memberships:

• National Dental Association.

• American College of Dentists.

• International College of Dentists.

• Odontographic Society of Chicago.

• Independent Dental Organization.

Volunteer posts/elective offices held in organized dentistry:

• Illinois State Dental Society, trustee (2004-07).

• Chicago Dental Society, president (2015).

• ADA Council on Membership, chair (2008-09).

• ADA Business Enterprises, Inc., director (2020-22).

• ADA Board of Trustees, 8th District trustee (2018-22).

What are your main qualifications for the office you seek?

• Chaired Illinois State Dental Society Finance and Planning Committee.

• Served as membership chair or liaison at all levels of the tripartite.

• Chaired ADA Board Audit and Diversity and Inclusion Committees.

• Experienced with non-dues revenue and member benefits as a director on ADABEI, ADA’s for-profit subsidiary.

• Depth of dental meeting experience (exhibitor recruitment and retention, scientific program scouting, general arrangements, special event planning) for the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting.

Why do you want to be an ADA officer?

From the very first steps of my leadership journey in 1999, I have asked the tough questions, debated with passion and kept dental politics out of my service. I have built a leadership reputation for hard work, thorough preparation and thoughtful candor.

The ADA cannot survive and thrive in the 21st Century and beyond without drastic changes. We must stop denying the crisis that is right in front of our eyes. In the story, “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” a vain and stupid ruler is duped into wearing invisible finery. Only a young child is bold enough to declare the truth — the emperor is naked. With my ADA trustee term behind me, I now sound the alarm about the dumpster fire that lies ahead.

In an ever-changing world, we blindly ignore societal trends and futilely struggle to preserve our profession and the ADA as we know them, instead of elevating both for the future. Leaders differ in their tolerance for change — some maintain a virtual death grip on the status quo, others are willing to embrace evolution. What the ADA needs now are leaders who are driven to create a reimagined association. I seek the office of president-elect out of a passion to steer that transformation.