ADA Elections 2023

Second vice president candidate

Jay Freedman, D.D.S.

A photograph of Jay Freedman, D.D.S.
Jay Freedman, D.D.S.

Campaign statement

Beginning the day after the election, my primary responsibility will be to get up to speed on the issues confronting the Board of Trustees and be ready to fully engage and be an effective voice at its next meeting.

And as the House has instituted the strategic forecasting committee governance, I intend to work towards a smooth and efficient workflow with measurable results.

The ADA and our members helped to finally get the McCarran-Ferguson Act repealed nearly three years ago, and yet, there have been no noticeable changes.

I would be a voice on the Board advocating for definitive action to address the number one concern of our members – insurance reform.

As the ADA and dentistry are pushed toward relative value units for reimbursement, I would campaign for an independent study conducted by a Wall Street financial consultant for an evidence-based conclusion as to which model favors our profession’s well-being (RVUs vs. procedure-based).

Finally, I would champion a formal mechanism within membership to engage, recruit and retain general practice residency and specialty students; continue to work toward a welcoming and inclusive association and create better solutions for managing student debt and the enormous cost of dental education.




Current residence: Dresher, Pennsylvania

Dental school attended: Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry

Year received dental degree: 1978

Postgraduate education/specialty: None

Years of ADA membership: 32

Other professional memberships:

• American College of Dentistry.

• International College of Dentistry.

• Pierre Fauchard Academy.

• Senior Attending Surgeon Abington-Jefferson Health System-Dental Division.

• American Academy of Implant Dentistry.

Volunteer posts/elective offices held in organized dentistry:

• Chair, ADA Council on Membership.

• President, Valley Forge Dental Association.

• Montgomery Bucks Dental Society radiology lead.

• Pennsylvania Mission of Mercy.

• Conference chair, Greater Philadelphia Valley Forge Dental Conference.

What are your main qualifications for the office you seek?

1. I have successfully held numerous positions in different facets of organized dentistry, each requiring their own unique skill sets.

2. I have been an educator/mentor in a general practice residency for over 30 years, which deeply connects me through the generational layers. This has granted me a unique perspective.

3. I have been professionally trained in development (fundraising) and have used these skills to provide significant non-dues revenues to both my district and regional dental conferences.

4. I am an innovative thinker who has the ability to examine and often solve a problem effectively through nontraditional techniques.

5. I am a team player who is always ready to listen to others, am fully committed to my teammates and play my heart out.

Why do you want to be an ADA officer?

Foremost of reasons I want to be an ADA officer is because I want to continue to serve my profession with particular attention to member success, and, isn’t that the first line of the ADA’s mission? We live in an unpredictable and fast moving world. Today’s leaders must be able to identify change as it begins and pivot decisively ensuring their members’ best interests. The ADA needs leadership that can listen to all points of view and truly understand, be prepared to think outside the lines, envision a future where all members can flourish and all are welcomed. I check all these boxes and more. I believe that my energy, commitment and transformational thinking will put our profession in a better position.