ADA Elections 2023

President-elect candidate

Craig Armstrong, D.D.S.

A photograph of Craig Armstrong, D.D.S.
Craig Armstrong, D.D.S.

Campaign statement

Our next president must lead us into a future we create for ourselves, not a future determined by others. I am optimistic that together we can ACT: advocate for our profession; communicate our concerns to each other and the world at large; and transform into the best ADA yet.

As chairman of our Budget & Finance Committee, our Foundation and as liaison to ADPAC, among other service to dentistry, I believe the ADA is our voice and the source of our professional power.

The proof is the recent medical loss ratio victory against insurance greed, where we advocated for controlled costs, communicated in realtime and transformed our practice environment. Our patients and providers were protected. Dentistry won. This is the power of our ADA.

Now is a time to be bold fearless leaders. We must be a bridge from a proud past to an even stronger future. This is the collaborative, effective leadership I have always practiced and now offer as candidate for ADA president-elect.

With your support, we will meet the challenges ahead and make manifest our chosen future. It would be an honor to continue to serve and work with all of you. I humbly ask for your vote.




Current residence: Houston, Texas

Dental school attended: The University of Texas School of Dentistry at Houston

Year received dental degree: 1989

Postgraduate education/specialty: Master of Academy of General Dentistry

Years of ADA membership: 38

Other professional memberships:

• Academy of General Dentistry.

Omicron Kappa Upsilon.

• International College of Dentists.

• American College of Dentists.

• Pierre Fauchard Academy.

Volunteer posts/elective offices held in organized dentistry:

• Texas Dental Association, president.

• Texas Academy of General Dentistry, president.

• Greater Houston Dental Society, president.

• ADA Council on Government Affairs, chair.

• ADA Council on Dental Practice, member.

What are your main qualifications for the office you seek?

1. Hands-on knowledge — informed, engaged member of the tripartite with in-depth understanding of every aspect of organized dentistry that is focused on making ADA valuable to all dentists.

2. Active listener — dedicated to ensuring all voices are heard so the ADA is representative of our diverse membership.

3. Pragmatic optimist — together we can be the bridge to an even brighter future for our profession built on our strong and proud past.

4. Organizational catalyst — core commitment to empowering others to be a part of the solution.

5. Experienced leader — proven track record of successful, collaborative outcomes at every level of organized dentistry.

Why do you want to be an ADA officer?

Our tripartite is at risk requiring visionary, inclusive leadership. My life’s work has prepared me for this moment. I believe the ADA was built on our ability to successfully confront our professional challenges. Today, our ADA needs us to once again come together in a way bigger than any of us individually for the future of our profession. I am running for ADA president-elect because I believe that with just a little nudge from all of us, the best years for dentistry lie ahead. It would be an honor to continue to serve and work with all of you. I humbly ask for your vote for president-elect.