Current Policies and Historical Publications

ADA historical publications include Annual Reports and Resolutions, Supplement to Annual Reports and Resolutions, Transactions, Current Policies and Index of Official Actions. Annual Reports and Resolutions includes each agency's annual report to the House of Delegates. Supplement to Annual Reports and Resolutions contains reports and resolutions considered by the House of Delegates. Transactions contains the year's Minutes of the Board of Trustees, the Minutes of the House of Delegates and other historical information.

Current Policies contains major policies adopted by the American Dental Association House of Delegates from 1954 through 2023, except for policies that appear in the Association's Constitution and Bylaws, Governance Manual and Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct. Other actions of the House which are generally more directive in nature are not included as major policy.

Current Policies

An individual wishing to trace the development of ADA policies will find it convenient to use the Index of Official Actions, which shows the page numbers in Transactions of all actions of the House of Delegates and Board of Trustees.

Index of Official Actions

Annual Reports and Resolutions

Supplement to Annual Reports and Resolutions
