Groundbreaking dental research

Innovative research for clinical decision making, critical policy information and oral health care performance measures.
Above four image panels, three showing various laboratory equipment and one showing a scientist using a microscope in a laboratory setting, appears text that reads, "ADA Science and Research Institute".
ADA Science & Research Institute

The ADA Science & Research Institute, LLC (ADASRI) conducts cutting-edge studies that advance dental technology and care.

Stay on top of ADASRI clinical research guiding best-in-class dental care and delivery.
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Meet our team of leaders in oral health sciences that drive innovation in dental care.
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Learn how investors can license ADASRI technology and sponsor new studies.
ADA Health Policy Institute

The ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) is a thought leader for critical policy knowledge about the U.S. dental care system.

HPI team sitting around a table having a meeting
HPI Consulting translates dental economy data to help guide your business strategy.
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See HPI's projections for the future supply of dentists in the U.S.
HPI examines the economic impact of COVID-19 on U.S. dental practices.
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Text above the logo for the Dental Quality Alliance reads, "Advancing performance measurements as a means to improve oral health, patient care, and safety though a consensus building process."
Dental Quality Alliance

The Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) develops performance measures to improve oral health care and patient safety.

Connected Practices, Better Health

The ADA Dental Experience and Research Exchangeâ„¢ (DERE) is the first data registry open to all practices.

A photograph of a laptop computer on a desk. It's screen is displaying the dashboard of the DERE software. Above the laptop a headline reads, "ADA Dental Experience and Research Exchange".